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Our Halloween!

Posted by dani handrian
Oh, Halloween... I still haven't figured out if I am a fan or not.  I mean, you bring a lot of candy and craziness, BUT I sure did love seeing all of these cute kiddos dressed up in costumes tonight!  AND, I really enjoy all the leftover chocolate.

My school doesn't do costumes or Halloween parties, but we are allowed to incorporate whatever we want into our day/lessons.  Today, I had a special Halloween treat for my kiddos.  I found this snack through Pinterest.  It led me to a blog called Kuzak's Closet... I adjusted it a bit because of allergies, but it was still a hit with the kiddos!

I didn't really have any Halloween activities planned for the day... I just never know how things are going to turn out on Halloween!  My kiddos were behaving well, and handling the holiday with grace, SO we read lots of Halloween books and watched a few short videos.  Then, I gave my kiddos a black sheet of construction paper and told them to draw a Halloween scene.  I just really love kid art A LOT!

I show you all of that to prove that I don't always have things together.  Sometimes I make a plan and don't stick to a thing.  Other times, I make a plan and refuse to get off course.  However, I do believe in adjusting and going with the flow when my kiddos need/deserve it!  I didn't have a ton of Halloween activities prepped and planned for the day, but we made due with what I could pull together last minute!

I'll leave you with a picture from today.  This is my teammate and me on crazy hair day!  My shirt is from Claire Lynn... they have the cutest teacher tees!  They have a facebook shop that makes it easy as pie to order from!
Happy Halloween, friends!  Let's hope that the kids come in tomorrow with a good night's rest and NO sugar hangovers!  RIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTT???!

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